One of the first things that people say to me when I say I’m an Organiser is “WOW your house must be so clean and organised!” Well, here’s the dirty truth…NOPE it’s definitely NOT. Organisers spend many hours a day, week, month, etc helping others regain their living space which really doesn’t leave a lot of time to do it at home. Now many of you would argue that great practices, plans and strategies are the answer to this, and to some degree I agree with that. But isn’t it interesting that it’s very difficult to implement strategies on yourself? I know what should happen, but at the end of the day, we are tired and I’m only one person in the family, right?
I recently spent a whole day organising my kitchen….I did it ALL from the pantry to the cupboard under the sink and each and every drawer. It was fantastic and the family was impressed. This lasted approximately 4 hours from the time I finished.. Can you guess what happened?
My kids unloaded the dishwasher! I don’t get involved in this process since that usually just results in me doing most of it, so in the name of providing responsible men to society, I butt out. Each person has a unique way of looking at our kitchen and puts things where they make sense to them. Naturally this results in all kinds of chaos when you’re looking for that elusive veggie peeler, but the order was fun while it lasted. At least most of the correct category ended up in the right drawer.
The point here is that organisation is like a river. Sometimes it’s calm and appealing, and then suddenly it’s flooding, overflowing and messy. Thus, the need for practicality rather than picture perfect. Who really cares if all the measuring cups are always stacked, isn’t it close enough to have them all in the same drawer?
So, a few key messages here:
- Don’t be intimidated by Organisers…we struggle with the same things as you. We just have super skills in finding solutions and we love to share these with you so you can have superpowers, too.
- Work with your own level of comfort. Pinterest is pretty…but it only works for some
- Give yourself a break, life is supposed to be fun and yes, sometimes DISORGANISED!